Lean Practitioners Association
of Saskatchewan
2021 LPAS Conference – Call for Presenters
Hello, fellow Lean practitioners! It is that time of year again. We are very excited to announce that we are now accepting submissions for our 2021 LPAS Conference coming up on November 3, 2021.
Every year, LPAS invites people from across the community to come and share their insights and experiences on different Lean/Continuous Improvement (CI) themes. This is your chance to become one of only 3 presenters at the 2021 LPAS Conference.
This year we are seeking stories that highlight how you and your organization are adapting to meet the ever-changing needs of your customers. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to learn how your team has implemented the needed changes to remain customer focused and deliver excellent customer service.
If you have an interest in participating, please complete the Call for Presentations online form. The following guidelines will assist you in preparing your presentation.
Our Goal
To provide best-in-class learning opportunities for conference attendees. Presentations should be diverse and practical. Ideally, presenters will be those who were involved directly in achieving the results.
Presenter Selection Criteria
Presentations will be selected by the 2021 conference planning team based on the following:
Suitability of the presentation with the conference theme – we are looking for presentations that show how organizations or businesses have transformed their customer service model or experience to meet the ever-changing needs of their customers.
Practitioners must demonstrate direct involvement in transformations.
Presentations by consultants are not permitted.
Conference Vision
This year's conference theme, “Rising to the Occasion – Meeting Ever-Changing Customer Needs” reflects LPAS’ belief that successful organizations have adapted to shifting customer needs in an efficient and effective way to improve their customer experience. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace at which businesses or organizations need to respond to customer needs. The conference will provide attendees, from every sector, with multiple learning opportunities that will provide high value by sharing best practices. Attendees will leave the conference reinvigorated, motivated, and energized so they can return to their organizations with some new and innovative ideas to share and implement.
Expected Take-aways
Connection – Attendees will develop an expanded network and to build long-term personal and organizational relationships.
Practitioner to practitioner shared experiences - Attendees will learn, firsthand, how their peers have innovated and successfully implemented models, practices, tools, or strategies to meet the changing needs of their customers.
Use what is learned - Attendees are encouraged to “Steal with pride” to put into action the information shared, and the knowledge gained.
Conference Overview
The LPAS conference follows a well-proven format for providing excellent learning, sharing, and networking experiences. For this year, we would like to use a hybrid approach in which there would be both in-person and virtual attendees, should health regulations allow. Presenters will also have the option to present in-person or virtually.
In-Person Location - The DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Conference Ctr, 1975 Broad Street, Regina, S4P 1Y1
Virtual Delivery Model – Virtual via Zoom.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 – Three individual presentations covering multiple sectors including Healthcare, Education, Mining, Government, and Industry.
Keynote presentation – Bruce Hamilton (Website). Attendees will hear from industry leaders on the topic of meeting rapidly changing customer service needs.
Code of Ethics
The LPAS conference is intended to provide the opportunity for open dialogue around the creative exchange of ideas between like-minded professionals from all organizational sectors. Therefore, it is expected that all participants, in whatever capacity, maintain the highest level of ethical behaviour and display mutual respect and understanding.
The LPAS conference is a non-commercial event. Participants, in whatever capacity, should refrain from the direct promotion of brand/product promotions. Presenters must not use the podium to promote products, services, or financial self-interest. The conference does not restrict or limit the attendance of any person regardless of race, national origin, sex, age, physical impairment, and social, political, economic, or religious conditions. Presenters will refrain from all overt statements or pointed humour that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any individual or group.
Preparing your Submission
Use the following guidelines to complete your submission:
Submissions Criteria:
Speaker(s) Bio: Use 150 words maximum (for each presenter) to describe your professional background and expertise related to the presentation.
Speaker(s) Photo: To be used in our promotional materials
Reference(s): If possible, please provide a reference, endorsement, or testimonial
Organization Info: Provide a brief description of your organization’s Lean journey.
Title: Choose a presentation title that clearly describes your topic. If necessary, add a short tagline to expand on the discussion point.
Abstract: Use 250 words maximum to describe what knowledge/skills attendees would take away from the presentation. Ensure you include details on results achieved and how they were obtained. Should your presentation be selected please be aware that this abstract will be reviewed and may be edited for publication on the conference website and in distributed materials.
Presentation Rating: Indicate what attendee experience level is most aligned with your presentation.
Additional Guidelines:
All selection decisions will be made by the LPAS conference team and are final with no appeal.
Selected presenters will be contacted by the conference chair to coordinate logistics and final details.
Presentations should be a maximum of 30 minutes in length with a 10-minute Q&A session to follow. Total time allotted 40 minutes.
Limit to 1 or 2 slides for organizational and personal introductions.
LPAS will provide typical AV equipment: projector, microphone, remote slide changer and laser pointer at the Double tree location. However, virtual presenters are responsible for ensuring that they are in possession of a functioning computer, headset and microphone and adequate internet connectivity.
Once accepted, the presenter is responsible to participate in practice sessions the day before the scheduled conference. This is a test run or dry run of the presentation to check length, and technical functionalities.
Presentations must be submitted in PowerPoint format at least one week prior to the conference date. A PowerPoint template will be provided.
Compensation and Remuneration
Because LPAS is a not-for-profit entity, presenters do not receive any reimbursement except as follows:
Each presenter will be provided with one free conference registration.
In-person presenters traveling more than 150km to the conference will be reimbursed for travel and one night’s accommodation.
How to Submit your Presentation
Please review the preceding information and complete the Call for Presentations Online Form.
Please direct questions to Conference Chair, Stewart Bellamy at 306-550-2426 or sbellamy@sasktel.net